Forest Pub

Beginning February 2025, join us at McMenamin’s Mission Theater in NW Portland for a monthly Forest Pub event with guest speakers and topics on all things Forests!
Dates for Spring 2025:

  • February 10Indigenous Land Management in the Willamette Valley with speaker David Lewis:
    • Reconstructing traditional environments and lifeways in the Pacific Northwest, David G. Lewis, PhD, will share his research about tribal ways of knowing and managing the valleys and forests of the Willamette.
    • His newest book will be available to purchase, Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley.
    • David is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, a descendant of the Takelma, Chinook, Molalla, and Santiam Kalapuya peoples of western Oregon. Dr. Lewis is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Indigenous Studies at OSU and has written over 500 research essays about the histories of the Western Oregon tribes and Northwest Coastal peoples. Read about this work on his blog, the Quartux Journal.
  • March 10
  • April 14
  • May12
  • June 9