"Giving Tuesday Now" text overlaid on a dense green forest arial photo
Executive Director Joe Furia of World Forestry Center

Relationships are at the core of our forestry work, which is why COVID-19 and this period of social distancing has had such a profound impact on us. In the short-term, we are facing new operational challenges, but we see significant hope and opportunity for sustainable forestry on the horizon. We are seeking your support to help get us there.

The pandemic’s impact on our organizational finances has been immediate. Like the many arts and cultural institutions that produce in-person events and experiences, World Forestry Center saw reliable income sources evaporate overnight. Events and museum attendance are responsible for 60 percent of our annual revenue.

However, we remain committed to our strategic vision. We adapt, we innovate, and we stay focused on the possible. More than ever, we see the long-term need and value of in-person events and experiences to build relationships and shape our future. We will continue to weave the social fabric necessary to shape a society that values and takes action to support the economic, ecological, and social benefits of forests.

This year on Giving Tuesday Now, a global day of giving created in response to COVID-19, donate to World Forestry Center – invest in innovation, adaptation, and the power of driving a more sustainable forestry future through relationships.

The time will come again when we can host you at our Washington Park campus. In the interim, we are expanding our capacity to work virtually. We are building relationships remotely, leveraging online alternatives for in-person events, and rethinking how we can drive the forestry narrative from home.

The Dalai Lama once said, “A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm.” Dolly Parton once said that, “Storms make trees take stronger roots.” We will weather this storm, but we cannot do it alone.

To do this new work, we need your help. With our existing revenue streams on hold, World Forestry Center is relying on our community of donors and supporters. We are relying on you.


Joseph A. Furia
Executive Director
World Forestry Center

P.S. – We have already received a generous lead gift from the Walker Family Foundation. Join them in supporting World Forestry Center’s work.