“Natural Allies”
Oregon Business, October 3, 2019

“Last month, the international fellows at the World Forestry Institute unveiled their conservation projects, designed to address conservation challenges around the world.

From reforestation in Malawi to fighting forest fires in France, the fellows debuted solutions to a wide range of forestry issues, all of which were researched and developed in the Pacific Northwest.”

“A Global Forest”
Oregon Business, August 15, 2019

“When Richard Banda applied to the World Forestry Institute’s International Fellowship program, he wanted to learn about the most efficient ways to prune trees native to Malawi…

…But after Banda gained access to the program’s resources, the scope of his project became more ambitious. ‘My project during the fellowship is understanding how to craft a strong project proposal to make investing in reforestation in Malawi appealing to international investors,’ Banda says.”

“Gaining an International Perspective on Trees”
The Arboricultural Association, 2019

“Climate change, the loss of endemic species and increasing urbanisation are global issues, so they require international cooperation for best practice to be shared. Wanting to gain a deeper insight into these issues in a global context, I looked across the Atlantic to the World Forest Institute’s International Fellowship. This six-month professional development programme has given me the opportunity to explore these issues in a professional, non-academic setting and may be of interest to you if you want to research an arboricultural project of your own.”
– Will Maiden, 2019 International Fellow

“Insights into Forestry in Oregon”
Teagasc Short Rotation Forestry, 2016

“This fellowship gives an exceptional opportunity to experience first-hand and learn about Oregon forestry… Challenges in forestry are not very different globally, so being connected and sharing knowledge and experiences can contribute to the world’s forest sustainability.”

World Forest Institute: 2012 Portland Mayor’s International Business Award Winner

“Consider it the United Nations of forestry.

The World Forest Institute at the World Forestry Center is the vision of Harry Merlo…Here, in the cradle of international forestry, professionals learn about best management practices and state of the art applications.

After a year, they return to their home countries to apply their skills in highly responsible jobs…From Portland and the World Forest Institute, forestry knowledge is being exported to the world, sustaining the benefits of healthy forests to humanity.”

“World Forestry Program Sends a Global Message”
The Oregonian, March 20, 2009

“…[Fellows] come to Oregon from distant homes with a shared purpose: to learn the latest methods of sustainably growing and harvesting forests.

Through the World Forestry Center’s International Fellowship Program, they spend six months to a year studying forestry policies, talking to conservationists–even learning how a demonstration forests lets kids experience nature…”

Additional Media Coverage

Portland Chinese Times, 2016

Working with the Private Sector to Improve Rural Livelihoods in Nepal
Society of American Foresters Forestry Source, 2015

World Forestry Center
Society of Irish Foresters, 2015

Elikia Amani: Challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Society of American Foresters Forestry Source, 2010