2024: A Year in Review

Dec 10, 2024 | Evergreen, News, Past events

As this year ends, we reflect on some key highlights from 2024 and look forward to what 2025 has to offer.
1. State of the Forest explored the artistic details of burned tree snags through art and storytelling by artist Suze Woolf and author Lorena Williams.

2. We partnered with Oregon State Fire Marshal and Portland Fire and Rescue to host a Wildfire Preparedness Weekend in April.

3. Tree People by Ritva Kovalainen and Sanni Seppo explored forest-related folklore in rural Finland and Estonia.
4. Our new cohort of Fellows followed a day of in-person learning with a tour of recently thinned and prescribed burned forests to see that forests can be managed to reduce catastrophic wildfire risk.
5. We continued to expand our museum Forest Store and relaunched our museum membership program and family offerings.
6. Science Friday’s Ira Flatow hosted a live radio program recording featuring local experts discussing the fascinating world of lichen.