by WFC Comms | Apr 15, 2024 | Evergreen
Evergreen Spring ’24 Read the latest issue of our Evergreen magazine. Inside this issue: New Staff Members State of the Forest Art Exhibit Year 2 of Our Fellowship Program CANOPY: Forests + Markets + Society Wildfire Preparedness Weekend Read the Spring 2024...
by WFC Comms | Apr 12, 2024 | Evergreen, From the Executive Director
Spring Brings New Growth in Our Programming, Our Reach, and Our Team Spring is here and full of possibilities. That means verdant fir tree tips emerging in our forests, the first chinook salmon running in our rivers, and the elusive morels poking through the duff. At...
by Tyler Quinn | Mar 5, 2020 | From the Executive Director
Over our 54-year history, World Forestry Center has been at the intersection of people and forestry. Our mission – to create and inspire champions of sustainable forestry – is centered on people. And, therefore, our focus is not on forests alone, but rather on how...
by Tyler Quinn | Oct 15, 2019 | From the Executive Director
Forests and Forestry are changing. How could they not when faced with an increasing population, changing climate, shifting demographics, emerging technologies, and intensifying wildfires? Since 1966, World Forestry Center has adapted with forestry’s changes. The...
by Tyler Quinn | Sep 18, 2019 | From the Executive Director
World Forestry Center is focused on the future of forestry. That future is being shaped by some major external forces. Population growth, climate change, catastrophic wildfires, demographic shifts, and emerging technologies have and will continue to...