World Forestry Center relies on a broad community of friends and partners who donate their time, energy, and funds to advance our mission.

Last year, Central Washington University hosted Eric, Dianne, and Eric’s basketball teammates to commemorate their success as the winningest basketball team in the school’s history.

We spoke with Eric and Dianne about their connection to the organization.

How long have you been involved with World Forestry Center?

Eric: My first knowledge of World Forestry Center was in the 1980s while working at Hampton Lumber for John Hampton, one of the early founders of the organization. Around the time I started working for Collins, I became active on the Board of Directors and went on to Chair the Board for several years.

What about World Forestry Center’s mission speaks to you the most?

Dianne: Education. Educating teachers and students, as well as the general public about the many values of forests.

Eric: World Forestry Center has also committed to telling the story of forests, and sharing information about how evolving technology means we manufacture more building products from every tree. Also, the organization’s long history has provided perspective in honoring the legacy of conservation and stewardship.

How was your connection to forests developed?

Eric: I grew up around forests, picked tree cones, and peeled cascara bark. I am third generation Timber industry worker.

What is your fondest memory in a forest?

Eric: Three come to mind — the first, hunting with my father, the second, walking through the variety of forests; mature, clear-cut, re-prod, and seeing the wildlife that depends on each forest stage. And the third, visiting the Biltmore Estate (Asheville, NC) with World Forestry Center’s board, the birth of U.S. Forestry.

What would you say to others looking to support World Forestry Center?

Dianne: Take an interest in the forests and how they support our lives, and invest your mind, time, and dollars in our youth who will be the future of our forests.